


Technology and digitalization are disrupting the world and accelerating change everywhere – in learning, education, everyday life, and the workplace.
Our thought leadership and insights help you keep pace with the disruption.

What are the Challenges of Learning?

A Post-Pandemic Perspective – David Yeo

Two learning challenges for the education and training industry

  • Teachers and trainers must quickly embrace technology to adapt to online teaching

It is not a matter of direct transfer from classroom teaching to online teaching. Teachers and trainers must transform how they think about learning and be re-trained to understand how student or learner engagement occurs in online teaching and learning. 

  • Mid-careerists must adopt a re-skilling and up-skilling mindset.

Mid-careerists must pivot away from their comfort zone of past experiences and competencies to a new world. They must adopt a re-skilling and up-skilling mindset in the age of online teaching and learning. Generation Z will find it easier to transit to the digital age. Continuous learning is a survival requirement for everyone.

EdTech — Singapore’s Competitive Edge in the New Economy

“Singapore EduTech is a new engine for growth,” says David Yeo. The Edutech industry is Singapore’s competitive edge in the new global economy.  The city-state has a bright future in turning the Singapore EduTech sector into a new GDP growth engine. 

Singapore has earned a good reputation and high standing for education and learning in Asia and the world. The Singapore education system has consistently ranked at the top in global benchmarks and standards.

Kydon’s AI-driven online teaching and learning platform ZilLearn could be that “core platform” to “massively create, massively enable and bring people together” – and strengthen the competitive edge and value of Singapore Edutech.

Transformative Learning in the 21st Century

Kydon’s mission is to transform today’s learning systems for tomorrow. Explore ZilLearn — our online learning and course creation platform. In our vision for Transformative Learning, the learning environment and learning methods have to change. 

Transformative Learning happens when:

  • Learning is self-driven, and learning paths are personalized. 
  • Learning networks are social and collaborative.
  • The learning environment is immersive and collaborative, not passive and one-way.
  • The learning environment is teacher-centric, not learner-centric 
  • The role of the teacher is learning facilitation, not instruction 
  • Rapid content creation is powered by technological innovation

The Kydon Manifesto is the blueprint that guides what we do as a learning technology company.

The Kydon Manifesto


The modern workforce must prepare for the workplace of the future. The Kydon Manifesto is founded upon a fundamental shift in the approach to how people train and learn. Current education and training approaches are problematic in that they tend to use traditional methods to condition instinctive responses to various pre-conceived situations. Beyond acclimatizing our workforce to expected workplace behaviors, there is now an urgent need to imbue our people with a willingness to move away from “correct” and “proven” techniques.

Kydon’s approach to learning takes into account the contemporary workplace’s need for a different attitude towards training and learning. It encompasses a Transformational Learning capability that does more than just train or educates people but also inspires their hearts and minds to actively engage in innovation.

Transformative Perspective to Learning

We posit that learning pedagogies will need to transform from industrial-age mass production of similar people for the structured industries to knowledge-age mass customization of adaptive innovators for the unstructured, complex environment. Curriculum transformation that embraces new learning methods, interactive and immersive learning content and innovative use of technology-enabled by an enlightened instructional team is the key lever. To do this, there is a need to move from the traditional design of instructions as sterile detached components to a design of learning in holistic authentic contexts.

Furthermore, learning systems will need to transform from the traditional notion of centralized linear-hierarchical knowledge-transfer modality to a distributed pervasive content accessibility and collaborative knowledge construction modality. An eLearning transformation that embraces innovative learning technologies and unprecedented access to learning content, enabled by a superior Infocomm-technology infrastructure for knowledge collaboration will be essential.

Imperatives for Learning Transformation

The volatility and complexity of the future workplace would require modern enterprises to rapidly learn and adapt continuously while equipping our people with cognitive tools to innovate local solutions to emerging challenges. There is also a critical need to motivate our people towards learning. In the past, operational systems were less complex and we could direct trainees on what to learn. With the quantum increase in complexity and content of the modern economy, learners must now be motivated and empowered with the necessary means to ensure that they can learn better and faster. Our people are also expected to adapt and innovate to develop local solutions to overcome local challenges without much direct supervision. To do so, they must be nurtured with higher-order competencies. Our organizational culture, training system, and instructional and learning methods must change correspondingly to nurture these new skills as well as engender a culture of life-long learning.

Creating an Enduring Change - Transformation Model

It cannot be assumed that the pairing of novel and exciting pedagogical strategies with technological solutions would naturally lead to deep and effective learning if these initiatives are not made in tandem with a paradigm shift in learning. We believe a shift from a predominantly instructional or teaching paradigm to a learning paradigm, enabled by five interdependent transformational elements, is key to learning transformation success.

Curriculum Readiness. Curriculum transformation deals with the “what” and “how” of education and training. Modern competencies and values inculcation components must be matched with appropriate learning strategies supported by necessary technology and infrastructural capacities to ensure effective delivery. The core idea is to rewrite the curriculum to achieve desired objectives commensurate with their espoused vision.

Technology Readiness. We must strive to leverage advances in technologies to provide our people with richer learning content with faster time-to-market, extend learning beyond classrooms, enable personalized (as opposed to mass-produced) delivery and grow social/collaborative learning networks. Mobile learning provides an alternative learning avenue during downtime, access to a myriad of online knowledge resources, and encourage peer-to-peer sharing. Learning will be engaging and exciting. A personalized learning environment shifts the focus on the learner to discover, sensemake, construct and share knowledge using blogging, podcasting, mind mapping, networking, and collaboration.

Content Readiness. We must endeavor to build rapid digital content development capability. The core idea is to have interactive web-based digital content (including eManuals, videos, games, and courseware) that are customizable, reusable, and shareable across the organization.

People Readiness. Educators, Trainers, and managers must shift away from passive, uni-directional lectures towards active, learner-centric environments. Leveraging technology and hands-on activities, their role must change from a content deliverer to a learning facilitator. The core idea is to re-profile our people to understand the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective requirements of the modern operating environment and our workforce’s changing demographics. Our people must be equipped with balanced competencies in instructional and learning capacities, capable of exploiting technology to achieve learning outcomes.

Structure Readiness. At the organizational level – we must facilitate the learning of our members and continuously transforms ourselves. This begins with recognizing that learning is the competitive edge of any organization and not an HR function alone. Leaders must be willing to disrupt themselves and drive the organization towards embracing learning as a core competency. We must also plan and consider the structural and cultural support elements to make such change sustainable. At the society level – it is about becoming a learning society – which the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) consider key to development via a different kind of learning. In such a world, learning is extended beyond formal learning (schools, universities, institutions, etc.) into informal learning; it is an “activity, not a place” it empowers self-directed lifelong learning.

Ignoring any of these transformation elements can by themselves cause the failure of any modern transformation. Yet, each element alone will not bring about the real and sustained change that is desired.

Transforming Learning Systems for Tomorrow

Bearing in mind learning takes place at the individual level, Kydon’s vision is a multi-pronged approach to transforming the learning systems of today for tomorrow. We envision a rich learning environment in organizations and institutions through better engagement of learners.

This can be achieved through immersive pedagogical paradigms that exploit their cognitive capabilities, the encouragement of self-driven learning, and the engendering of a spirit of life-long learning by building a learning eco-system that encourages self-directed and collaborative learning modalities, all supported through the delivery of rich content over a pervasive IT infrastructure.

Our vision can be broken down into four broad areas: Engaging Digital Learners, New Learning Paradigms, New Pedagogies, and New Knowledge Mobilisation.

Balanced and Sustained Approach to Learning Transformation

While our ideas radically shift the traditional notions of learning, our approach remains balanced and adaptive. We believe behaviorist or cognitive methods such as drills and memory work for mastering procedural and repetitive skills continue to be valid and important where they are needed. It is Kydon’s strong belief too that change is not instantaneous and cannot be rushed, but sustained by nudging along progressively through perseverance and strengths in leadership.

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